Bulk RNA-sequencing

A simple data analysis solution to find drug targets by highlighting genes or pathways of interest.


Help scientists easily study gene expression and analyze the transcriptome with accessible bioinformatics tools.


  • Go from FastQ → publication-quality results in minutes

  • 80% more affordable than alternative solutions

  • Easy for the wet lab, flexible for the dry lab

  • Create heat maps, volcano plots, and MA plots with ease

Join leading biopharma companies who analyze their RNAseq data on Latch

Elsie LogoSwitch LogoOrgonovo LogoNavega LogoDolororimics Logo

The number of drug targets in our pipeline has tripled.”

CSO @ Doloromics

It brought our analysis costs down by 80%”

CSO @ ElsieBio

How it works

Store and share unlimited RNA-seq data files.

Scientists should no longer have to send zipped folder of raw data over email, or take static screen captures to share a result. Latch Data puts all files and folders in a single place, so everyone can store, collaborate, and see analyses results in real time.

Bring your data from anywhere, including:

Once on the platform all the data is easily accessible to each team member to QC, organize, and explore.

Process Raw Data into Counts Within Hours, and Avoid Weeks of CRO Turnaround.

The Latch Verified Bulk RNA-seq workflow allows your team easily to perform QC, trimming, alignment, and gene count quantification.

User friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdjUser friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdj

The workflow can be used out of the box or modified by editing the underlying code to swap out parameters or steps. Workflows for other assays (e.g. ATAC-seq, CHIP-seq) can be easily developed by your team.

Understand differentially expressed genes with Volcano Plots, Heatmaps, MA Plots.

Run DeSeq2 to identify transcriptionally distinct features between biological samples. Explore downstream visualizations in your browser, with the flexibility to alter and customize results.

User friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdj

Correlation Heatmap

User friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdj

MA Plot

User friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdj

Volcano Plot

Use fold change measurements to interactively identify deferentially-expressed genes of interest (GOI) between conditions. Flexibly select gene panels for publication-ready heat map visualizations.

User friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdj

Genes of Interest Heatmap

Discover gene signatures across public gene set and pathway databases.

Perform gene set enrichment analyses against multiple public gene set and pathway databases. Dynamically adjust the number of top pathways you want display and drill down to most relevant gene sets and pathways of interest.

User friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdj

Hallmark pathways NES

User friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdj

Enriched pathways

User friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdj

Heatmap plot of enriched terms

Perform additional analysis on counts in a flexible notebook environment

Anyone with R or Python fluency can flexibly explore counts. csv files using custom code, or a pre-existing packages in a browser-based notebook.

User friendly no-code interface accessed through Latch Workflow for biologist to drag and drop V(D)J FastQ files to launch cellranger vdj

Looking for a simpler solution?

Eliminate manual clicking and user error with an automated plotting solution for your lab.

7-Day Free Trial

Access the leading data platform for biology.

  • A scoping call to map out your scientific workflows
  • Access a curated workspace customized to your assays and needs
  • Live 16/6 support with a Latch bioinformatics engineer
  • A hands-on onboarding session to train your team